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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
2XMM Flares Detected from Tycho-2 Stars xmmt2flareN

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
twoxmm_detid 1916 244744 integer
name 1RXS J231628.7+790531 xi Boo A string
ra 00 14 45.73 23 37 33.72 position
dec -77 21 56.9 +85 44 20.3 position
vmag 2.208 12.484 float
spect_type A0 M4.5 Ve + M4.5 Ve string
flare_flag N Y string
quies_fx (erg/s/cm^2) 0.00e+00 1.10e-10 float
peak_fx (erg/s/cm^2) 3.31e-14 1.01e-10 float
event_number 1 6 integer
event_energy (erg) 1.94e+30 3.22e+35 float
event_duration (s) 640 26480 integer
alt_name 2MASS J02414683-5259523 VB 285 string
tycho2_name TYC 1082-2107-1 TYC 9414-787-1 string
lii (degree) 0.83959 359.84766 float
bii (degree) -75.67819 81.69610 float
bv_color -0.135 2.181 float
broad_type Algol flare star string
distance (pc) 2.55 1462.79 float
ref_distance B04 Z04 string
target_flag N Y string
variable_flag N Y string
twoxmm_srcid 1821 189774 integer
twoxmm_srcid_2 37584 177373 integer
twoxmm_name 2XMM J001445.7-391435 2XMM J233733.8+462728 string
log_2xmm_fx_over_fv -6.00 -0.60 float
log_2xmm_lx (log(erg/s)) 26.21 31.88 float
obsid 0011450101 0310190101 string
time 2000-02-18 14:14:55.7 UTC 2006-01-06 10:10:37.9 UTC date
end_time 2000-02-19 03:45:38.9 UTC 2006-01-07 01:42:55.0 UTC date
ontime (s) 1300.0 126344.0 float
pn_filter Medium UNDEF string
m1_filter Medium UNDEF string
m2_filter Medium Thin1 string
off_axis (arcmin) 0.02 13.86 float
var_instrument M1 PN string
twoxmm_sum_flag -3 6 integer
number_events 1 6 integer
notes hybrid chromosphere-type star, +dG companion? period ~2.3 dy string
ref_star Ayres 2005, Ayres+ 2007 Walter+ 1988, Favata+ 2003 string
ref_xmm_result Arzner+ 2007, Franciosini+ 2007b van den Besselaar+ 2003, Robrade+ 2005, Smith+ 2005 string
twoxmm_summary_url string
full_profile_flag N Y string
event_type flare trend, rise string
event_snr 3.12 169.52 float
peak_over_quies_fx 0.131 53.354 float
peak_time 2000-02-19 04:24:45.7 UTC 2006-01-06 22:40:37.9 UTC date
peak_time_relative (s) 40 112690 integer
rise_time (s) 40 17260 integer
fall_time (s) 270 16640 integer
quies_lx (erg/s) 0.00e+00 6.74e+31 float
peak_lx (erg/s) 1.44e+27 1.70e+32 float

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
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Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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