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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
ROSAT Catalog PSPC WGA Sources wgacatY
ROSAT Object

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name 1WGA J0000.0+7253 1WGA J2359.9-3255 string
ra 00 00 02.7 23 59 59.5 position
dec -85 30 10 +86 21 53 position
off_set (arcmin) 0.0000e+00 5.6617e+01 float
qflag 5 12 integer
count_rate (ct/s) 0.0003 143.0000 float
id RP141865_IN_1 rp999999a01_out_4 string
ra_1950 (degree) 0.0044 359.9873 float
dec_1950 (degree) -85.2571 86.4831 float
x_pixel 1371.8000 14350.0000 float
y_pixel 1380.10 14368.00 float
lii (degree) -0.0088 359.9880 float
bii (degree) -89.4555 89.6550 float
count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0001 0.5700 float
fx (erg/cm^2/s) 4.77e-15 2.14e-09 float
vignet (arcmin) 1.00 3.09 float
error_radius (arcsec) 13 50 integer
half_box (arcsec) 18.000 275.000 float
ctr_ra (degree) 0.0011 359.7902 float
ctr_dec (degree) -85.0551 85.7749 float
ctr_offset (arcmin) 0.0000e+00 54.9516 float
target_ra (degree) 0.0300 359.8197 float
target_dec (degree) -85.0800 85.7498 float
field_name (VOID) unknown string
ror 100001 999999 integer
time 1990-06-16 21:06:59.9 UTC 1994-09-10 02:52:20.4 UTC date
end_time 1990-06-16 22:37:43.1 UTC 1994-09-10 date
ndetect 1 187 integer
id_no 1 157 integer
imagefile RP141865_IN rp999999a01_out string
eventfile RP141865 rp999999a01 string
probability -6.6610e-16 9.9960e-05 float
snr 2.04 1120.00 float
region I O string
zoom 8 20 integer
bgnd (ct/pixel/s) 5.820e-09 1.815e-06 float
exposure (s) 45 122123 integer
softness_ratio 0.0000e+00 434.0000 float
softness_ratio_error 0.0000e+00 434.5000 float
hardness_ratio 0.0000e+00 161.8000 float
hardness_ratio_error 0.0000e+00 124.5000 float
sr_hard 0.0000e+00 96.3400 float
sr_hard_error 0.0000e+00 59.7500 float
hr_hard 0.0000e+00 71.2500 float
hr_hard_error 0.0000e+00 35.8700 float
total_counts 0.0 1593000.0 float
total_counts_error 0.00 1262.00 float
low_band (ct/s) 0.0000 1585270.0000 float
low_band_error (ct/s) 0.0000 1259.1000 float
mid_band (ct/s) 0.0000 298723.0000 float
mid_band_error (ct/s) 0.0000 546.5600 float
high_band (ct/s) 0.0000e+00 927438.0000 float
high_band_error (ct/s) 0.0000e+00 963.0400 float
chi2 0.00 635.17 float
photons integer
lc_bin_number integer
lc_variance float
lc_exp_variance float
lc_chi2 float
lc_min float
lc_max float
xid 1 1 integer
xid_1 108 WHITE DWARF, 0 string
xid_2 103 WHITE DWARF, E string
xid_3 1H0014+111 X1118-616 string
xid_4 1RXH J002245.2 1RXS J235940.9 string
ipc_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0000 99.3100 float
ipc_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0000 5.6750 float
ipc_pspc_ratio 0.0006 1161.9000 float
ipc_pspc_ratio_error 1.0887e-07 300706.0000 float
oid 1 1 integer
oid_1 **FIN313 {ZETA} UMA string
oid_2 **FIN313 ZWVIII452 string
oid_3 0002+051 ZW 022.021 string
oid_4 +174216 {ZETA} UMA string
idned string
idsimbad **FIN313 ZWVIII452 string
vmag -0.72 99.99 float
fxfo 2.48e-08 3.73e+04 float
aox 0.068 39081.000 float
redshift -0.0010 4.5580 float
gsc 1 1 integer
gsc_sequence 1 8660 integer
gsc_region 4 9511 integer
qv_mag 0.0000e+00 16.2200 float
qb_mag 0.0000e+00 16.8600 float
ext no ye string
rid 1 1 integer
rid_1 0002+0507 WKB0131/+30.3 string
rid_2 0002+0507 WKB0131/+30.3 string
rid_3 0016+73 PMNJ2354-1513 string
flux_80_cm (mJy) 0.0 65243.0 float
flux_20_cm (mJy) 0.6 61100.0 float
flux_6_cm (mJy) 0.0 554000.0 float
sihi float
aro -30.626 1.027 float
irid 1 1 integer
irname 00027-3737 F 23589+3109 string
flux_10_micron (Jy) 0.025 11010.000 float
flux_25_micron (Jy) 0.034 5032.000 float
flux_60_micron (Jy) 0.056 13470.000 float
flux_100_micron (Jy) 0.203 35340.000 float
idra (degree) 1.6356 359.5346 float
iddec (degree) -80.4969 86.4839 float
idoffset (arcmin) 0.27 119.79 float
del_ra (arcsec) -115.4013 110.5682 float
del_dec (arcsec) -114.9976 118.9878 float
version 1 1 string
mpe_name 2RXP J000006.7+295707 2RXP J235959.1-322928 string
mpeid 1 2 integer
mpe_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0002 48.2700 float
mpe_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0000 0.2965 float
nh_21cm (atoms/cm^2) 1.7970e+19 2.5262e+22 float
bv_color -0.700 99.000 float
origin 1 2 integer

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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