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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name (L,B)=(-20,0) ZWCL_0823_FILAMENT-1 string
ra 00 01 00.26 23 59 56.83 position
dec -86 40 40.4 +87 18 16.9 position
lii (degree) 0.00480 359.99981 float
bii (degree) -88.03579 89.47530 float
roll_angle (degree) 1.54290 359.84410 float
time 2005-08-11 07:24:27 UTC 2015-05-29 12:19:25 UTC date
stop_time 2005-08-13 05:57:51 UTC 2015-05-30 14:48:04 UTC date
obsid 100001010 909002010 string
exposure (s) 0.00000 347568.10000 float
time_awarded (s) 0.00000 620000.00000 float
xis0_expo (s) 0.00000 347568.10000 float
xis1_expo (s) 0.00000 347576.10000 float
xis2_expo (s) 0.00000 178713.20000 float
xis3_expo (s) 0.00000 347576.10000 float
xis0_num_modes 0 6 integer
xis1_num_modes 0 6 integer
xis2_num_modes 0 6 integer
xis3_num_modes 0 6 integer
hxd_num_modes 0 1 integer
hxd_expo_co (s) 0.00000 0.00000 float
hxd_expo_fi (s) 0.00000 0.00000 float
hxd_expo_no (s) 0.00000 355072.40000 float
hxd_expo (s) 0.00000 355072.40000 float
hxd_expo_wam (s) 0.00000 461263.80000 float
hxd_bursts 0 12 integer
processing_status PROCESSED PROCESSED string
processing_date 2016-05-03 12:25:11 UTC 2016-09-14 11:59:57 UTC date
public_date 2005-12-01 2016-09-05 date
distribution_date 2006-06-19 11:01:59 UTC 2015-08-26 17:19:14 UTC date
processing_version string
num_processed 2 13 integer
software_version Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 Hea_08Feb2016_V6.18_Suzaku_14Nov2013_V22 string
prnb 000001 105001 string
      abstract (i) Early break in lightcurve of X-ray afterglows using HXD. Recent Swift/XRT observations reveal that early X-ray afterglows of GRB has flat portion with very shallow decay. It may suggest continuous energy input from the central engine. The transition from its phase to general afterglow may display hard-to-soft evolution reflecting the cooling frequency. Thus multi wavelength observation will provide a key to the physics of central engine activity. (ii) Emission lines in the afterglows. The confirmation of line existence should be a matter of great importance because there remains unanswered questions. Some data may indicate a prominent iron line but others seem to suggest significant lower energy lines instead without iron lines. we propose observations for the XIS flight calibrations during the left term of AO-1. string
category_code 1 9 integer
priority A S string
pi_lname ACERO ZOGHBI string
pi_fname AARON ZDENKA string
copi_lname ANABUKI YAMADA string
copi_fname ANDREW Yoh string
country EUR USJ string
cycle 0 10 integer
obs_type AO1 TOO string
title 4U 1210-64: A HIGHLY VARIABLE X-RAY BINARY false string
aimpoint HXD XIS string
injection N Y string

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Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
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