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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
SDSS-IV/SPIDERS XMM-Based X-Ray Point Source Spectroscopic Catalog spidersxmmN

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
entry_number 1 3196 integer
name XMMSL2 J000006.9+081615 XMMSL2 J235959.2+083407 string
ra 00 00 06.98 23 59 59.41 position
dec -05 20 01.6 +60 20 42.5 position
lii (degree) 48.98407 210.80571 float
bii (degree) -66.76598 87.01233 float
error_radius (arcsec) 5.03453 199.27914 float
fb_detect_likelihood 8.021832 11357.669922 float
hb_detect_likelihood 8.568043 1374.651001 float
sb_detect_likelihood 8.006523 10013.620117 float
fb_counts (ct) 3.500929 2496.293945 float
fb_counts_error (ct) 2.000585 50.812519 float
hb_counts (ct) 3.142376 313.223999 float
hb_counts_error (ct) 1.844430 18.139240 float
sb_counts (ct) 3.207296 2222.530029 float
sb_counts_error (ct) 1.866929 47.969681 float
fb_source_extent (pixel) 0.000000 20.000000 float
fb_source_extent_error (pixel) 0.000000 60.596439 float
hb_source_extent (pixel) 0.000000 17.491409 float
hb_source_extent_error (pixel) 0.000000 60.596439 float
sb_source_extent (pixel) 0.000000 20.000000 float
sb_source_extent_error (pixel) 0.000000 60.596439 float
fb_extent_likelihood 2.027122 2486.090088 float
hb_extent_likelihood 2.670578 230.468597 float
sb_extent_likelihood 2.006241 2282.181885 float
fb_exposure (s) 0.350157 21.186729 float
hb_exposure (s) 1.111569 15.473170 float
sb_exposure (s) 0.809892 23.364510 float
fb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 7.007510000e-13 1.356349854e-09 float
fb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) 3.8509700e-13 3.2078064e-11 float
hb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 2.94856800e-12 7.65771057e-10 float
hb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) 1.3455720e-12 4.4346874e-11 float
sb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 2.78321000e-13 4.09472229e-10 float
sb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) 1.4506200e-13 1.0632172e-11 float
fb_count_rate (ct/s) 0.221827 429.360504 float
fb_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.121905 10.154500 float
hb_count_rate (ct/s) 0.322459 83.745743 float
hb_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.147153 4.849833 float
sb_count_rate (ct/s) 0.193817 285.147797 float
sb_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.101018 7.404019 float
log_nh (log(cm^-2)) 19.616011 21.048346 float
allwise_xmm_offset 0.0 0.0 float
bias 0.0047635213 1194.2186279297 float
prob_any 0.0000000000 0.9998043776 float
prob_i 0.158579364 1.000000000 float
allwise_name AllWISE J000005.72+081614.9 AllWISE J235959.29+083354.0 string
allwise_ra 00 00 05.7285 23 59 59.2963 position
allwise_dec -05 19 51.221 +60 20 49.070 position
allwise_error_radius (arcsec) 0.0045967 1.0018864 float
w1_mag (mag) -1.690 18.636 float
w1_mag_error (mag) 0.013 0.524 float
w2_mag (mag) -0.967 18.044 float
w2_mag_error (mag) 0.011 0.524 float
w3_mag (mag) -2.837 13.529 float
w3_mag_error (mag) 0.008 0.539 float
w4_mag (mag) -3.244 9.995 float
w4_mag_error (mag) 0.001 0.542 float
allwise_contcon_flag 0000 hhhh string
allwise_extent_flag 0 5 string
allwise_var_flag 0000 nnnn string
jmag (mag) -0.296 17.533 float
jmag_error (mag) 0.017 0.976 float
hmag (mag) -1.373 16.960 float
hmag_error (mag) 0.015 0.698 float
kmag (mag) -1.708 17.063 float
kmag_error (mag) 0.012 9.998 float
sdss_run_number 1035 8162 integer
sdss_rerun_number 301 301 integer
sdss_camera_column 1 6 integer
sdss_field_number 11 692 integer
sdss_id_number 2 1848 integer
sdss_ra 00 00 05.587 23 59 59.294 position
sdss_dec -05 19 51.42 +60 20 48.60 position
sdss_umag (mag) 6.8601184 28.0874729 float
sdss_gmag (mag) 6.3977151 36.0578575 float
sdss_rmag (mag) 5.8097162 24.8020477 float
sdss_imag (mag) 5.8881912 26.4963570 float
sdss_zmag (mag) 4.6624279 32.5809059 float
sdss_ufmag (mag) 12.1474876 25.6621914 float
sdss_gfmag (mag) 13.5056000 25.4415855 float
sdss_rfmag (mag) 13.5463972 24.6892166 float
sdss_ifmag (mag) 11.7814827 24.1351986 float
sdss_zfmag (mag) 4.7236533 23.0092869 float
allwise_sdss_offset (arcsec) 0.001864 2.935129 float
allwise_sdss_rank 0 3 integer
sdss_number_ctrprts 0 3 integer
sdss_rank_ctrprts 0 1 integer
sdss_spec_dr_num DR16 NONE string
sdss_spec_plate_num 371 11678 integer
sdss_spec_mjd_num 2000-08-27 2019-02-12 date
sdss_spec_fiber_num 1 1000 integer
redshift_dr16 -0.004136 6.908107 float
redshift_dr16_error -1.000000 4.423913 float
sdss_dr16_type GALAXY STAR string
sdss_dr16_subtype AGN WDmagnetic string
redshift_dr16_flag 0 646 integer
sdss_dr16_snr 0.00000000 80.64865875 float
redshift_dr7q_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_dr16q_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_a07_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_p10_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_vis_flag 0 1 integer
redshift -99.000000 3.940000 float
redshift_diff 0.000000 105.908104 float
source_type BALQSO UNDET. string
spec_visual_flag -99 3 integer
first_ra 00 00 27.871 23 59 17.056 position
first_dec -04 49 06.73 +60 20 48.77 position
first_peak_flux (mJy) 0.78 14632.90 float
first_int_flux (mJy) 0.51 22176.86 float
first_rms (mJy) 0.085 1.922 float
allwise_first_offset (arcsec) 0.016655 4.911073 float
gaia_name Gaia DR2 1009541378710123904 Gaia DR2 98691652608664832 string
gaia_ra 00 00 12.2346 23 59 59.2936 position
gaia_dec -05 19 50.931 +60 20 48.560 position
gaia_parallax (mas) -4.1244 77.4346 float
gaia_parallax_error (mas) 0.0125 3.0304 float
gaia_pm_ra (mas/yr) -270.658 266.175 float
gaia_pm_ra_error (mas/yr) 0.020 4.473 float
gaia_pm_dec (mas/yr) -233.040 231.609 float
gaia_pm_dec_error (mas/yr) 0.023 4.190 float
gaia_gmag (mag) 2.847098 21.129910 float
gaia_g_band_flux (electron/s) 6.65860e+01 1.36930e+09 float
gaia_g_band_flux_error (electron/s) 7.02750e-01 1.24120e+07 float
gaia_bpmag (mag) 3.533378 22.223532 float
gaia_bp_band_flux (electron/s) 1.78300e+01 5.33590e+08 float
gaia_bp_band_flux_error (electron/s) 2.29500e-01 3.14400e+07 float
gaia_rpmag (mag) 2.382786 20.321129 float
gaia_rp_band_flux (electron/s) 5.97470e+01 8.94650e+08 float
gaia_rp_band_flux_error (electron/s) 9.80280e-01 1.02090e+07 float
allwise_gaia_offset (arcsec) 0.001480 2.994024 float

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
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Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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