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SDSS-IV/SPIDERS ROSAT-Based X-Ray Point Source Spectroscopic Catalog spidersrosN
ROSAT Object

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name 2RXS J000002.0+111926 2RXS J235959.1+083354 string
detect_likelihood 6.50 23298.47 float
counts (ct) 3.84 13240.98 float
counts_error (ct) 0.000000 115.419998 float
count_rate (ct/s) 0.0081 34.5845 float
count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0000 0.3277 float
exposure (s) 50.71 1887.75 float
ra 00 00 02.08 23 59 59.14 position
dec -07 16 45.9 +60 31 21.6 position
lii (degree) 48.68085 211.95096 float
bii (degree) -70.08390 87.06550 float
extent (pixel) 0.000 4.002 float
extent_error (pixel) 0.000 3.842 float
extent_likelihood -0.02 553.94 float
error_radius (arcsec) 0.00000 0.08884 float
near_bs_flag 0 1 integer
near_gal_flag 0 1 integer
log_nh (log(cm^-2)) 1.95850e+01 2.10727e+01 float
flux (erg/s/cm^2) 1.027760e-13 4.594510e-10 float
flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) 0.000000e+00 5.216650e-12 float
bias 0.0052837967 1194.2186279297 float
prob_any 0.0000000000 0.9999568462 float
prob_i 0.096422054 1.000000000 float
allwise_name AllWISE J000002.82+302311.4 AllWISE J235959.29+083354.0 string
allwise_ra 00 00 02.8211 23 59 59.2963 position
allwise_dec -07 16 30.118 +60 31 19.286 position
allwise_error_radius (arcsec) 0.0045967 1.4900105 float
w1_mag (mag) -2.110 19.213 float
w1_mag_error (mag) 0.011 0.508 float
w2_mag (mag) -1.414 17.970 float
w2_mag_error (mag) 0.009 0.540 float
w3_mag (mag) -0.567 13.669 float
w3_mag_error (mag) 0.007 0.543 float
w4_mag (mag) -2.585 10.023 float
w4_mag_error (mag) 0.001 0.543 float
allwise_contcon_flag 0000 hhpp string
allwise_extent_flag 0 5 string
allwise_var_flag 0000 nnnn string
jmag (mag) 1.623 18.884 float
jmag_error (mag) 0.016 8.888 float
hmag (mag) 0.702 17.829 float
hmag_error (mag) 0.014 0.698 float
kmag (mag) 0.467 17.345 float
kmag_error (mag) 0.011 9.998 float
allwise_2rxs_offset (arcsec) 0.000000 0.000360 float
sdss_run_number 1010 8162 integer
sdss_rerun_number 301 301 integer
sdss_camera_column 1 6 integer
sdss_field_number 11 692 integer
sdss_id_number 2 2195 integer
sdss_ra 00 00 02.812 23 59 59.294 position
sdss_dec -07 16 30.10 +60 31 19.16 position
sdss_umag (mag) 5.6975942 34.2772179 float
sdss_gmag (mag) 6.3060589 36.8430061 float
sdss_rmag (mag) 5.8097162 28.9625683 float
sdss_imag (mag) 5.6351900 30.0288582 float
sdss_zmag (mag) 4.6624279 32.8144951 float
sdss_ufmag (mag) 5.7298350 26.4784222 float
sdss_gfmag (mag) 8.4590397 25.7266273 float
sdss_rfmag (mag) 7.3129759 25.2985802 float
sdss_ifmag (mag) 6.9792542 28.1626320 float
sdss_zfmag (mag) 4.7236533 23.6438179 float
allwise_sdss_offset (arcsec) 0.000957 2.997810 float
allwise_sdss_rank 0 3 integer
sdss_number_ctrprts 0 4 integer
sdss_spec_dr_num DR16 NONE string
sdss_spec_plate_num 371 11704 integer
sdss_spec_mjd_num 2000-08-26 2019-03-01 date
sdss_spec_fiber_num 1 1000 integer
redshift_dr16 -0.004136 7.000246 float
redshift_dr16_error -4.000000 263.636414 float
sdss_dr16_type GALAXY STAR string
sdss_dr16_subtype A0 WDmagnetic string
redshift_dr16_flag 0 646 integer
sdss_dr16_snr -0.08286842 97.70634460 float
redshift_dr7q_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_dr16q_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_a07_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_p10_flag 0 1 integer
redshift_vis_flag 0 1 integer
ref_redshift A07 SPIDERS string
redshift -99.000000 3.940000 float
redshift_diff 0.000000 105.194176 float
source_type BALQSO UNDET. string
spec_visual_flag -99 3 integer
first_ra 00 00 07.043 23 59 17.056 position
first_dec -04 43 00.56 +60 31 18.68 position
first_peak_flux (mJy) 0.78 8073.89 float
first_int_flux (mJy) 0.50 8240.48 float
first_rms (mJy) 0.074 3.327 float
allwise_first_offset (arcsec) 0.006323 4.997798 float
gaia_name Gaia DR2 100612052745747968 Gaia DR2 99038063195676672 string
gaia_ra 00 00 02.8125 23 59 59.2936 position
gaia_dec -07 16 30.139 +60 31 19.160 position
gaia_parallax (mas) -9.3984 160.0598 float
gaia_parallax_error (mas) 0.0113 4.2631 float
gaia_pm_ra (mas/yr) -270.658 553.472 float
gaia_pm_ra_error (mas/yr) 0.015 4.850 float
gaia_pm_dec (mas/yr) -321.060 231.609 float
gaia_pm_dec_error (mas/yr) 0.017 4.745 float
gaia_gmag (mag) 3.123831 21.343899 float
gaia_g_band_flux (electron/s) 5.46750e+01 1.06120e+09 float
gaia_g_band_flux_error (electron/s) 6.05060e-01 4.43300e+06 float
gaia_bpmag (mag) 3.664885 22.553041 float
gaia_bp_band_flux (electron/s) 1.31620e+01 4.72720e+08 float
gaia_bp_band_flux_error (electron/s) 2.00560e-01 3.04580e+07 float
gaia_rpmag (mag) 2.669250 20.959482 float
gaia_rp_band_flux (electron/s) 3.31880e+01 6.87180e+08 float
gaia_rp_band_flux_error (electron/s) 1.51410e+00 7.51230e+06 float
allwise_gaia_offset (arcsec) 0.000915 2.999333 float

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Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
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