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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
ROSAT All-Sky Survey and SDSS Sample of X-Ray Emitting Stars rassdsstarN
ROSAT Object

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name 1RXS J000053.1+002205 1RXS J235940.0-000304 string
ra 00 00 53.100 23 59 39.998 position
dec -11 00 58.50 +68 34 19.03 position
lii (degree) 0.534682 359.479023 float
bii (degree) -73.293137 68.534908 float
error_radius (arcsec) 0 40 integer
count_rate (ct/s) 0.00286 0.43290 float
count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.00000 0.04452 float
exposure (s) 99 3935 integer
hr1 -1.00 1.00 float
hr1_error 0.00 1.58 float
hr2 -1.00 1.00 float
hr2_error 0.00 9.99 float
source_extent (arcsec) 0 57 integer
extent_likelihood 0 7 integer
detect_likelihood 0 356 integer
sdss_name SDSS J000051.96+002216.4 SDSS J235940.02-000306.8 string
sdss_ra 00 00 51.965 23 59 40.026 position
sdss_dec -11 01 09.96 +68 34 22.25 position
sdss_rass_offset (arcsec) 0.32 49.23 float
umag (mag) 9.069 24.635 float
umag_error (mag) 0.000 39.999 float
gmag (mag) 8.006 21.126 float
gmag_error (mag) 0.000 19.432 float
rmag (mag) 7.438 24.802 float
rmag_error (mag) 0.000 271.770 float
imag (mag) 7.716 20.175 float
imag_error (mag) 0.000 53.410 float
zmag (mag) 6.956 22.827 float
zmag_error (mag) 0.000 13.940 float
sdss_flags 1.45E+017 79792570952 string
twomass_name 2MASS J00005196+0022164 2MASS J23594002-0003070 string
twomass_ra 00 00 51.967 23 59 40.027 position
twomass_dec -11 01 09.70 +68 34 22.32 position
sdss_2mass_offset (arcsec) 0.01 2.66 float
jmag (mag) 4.986 13.421 float
jmag_error (mag) 0.017 0.350 float
hmag (mag) 4.261 12.949 float
hmag_error (mag) 0.014 0.232 float
ks_mag (mag) 4.154 12.904 float
ks_mag_error (mag) 0.011 0.073 float
twomass_flags AAA UAA string
log_fx_over_fj -4.31 -0.85 float
abs_ks_mag (mag) 2.18 8.16 float
abs_ks_mag_error (mag) 0.05 100.39 float
distance (pc) 4.51 691.53 float
distance_error (pc) 0.31 113.20 float
lx (erg/s) 4.03e+26 1.23e+31 float
lx_error (erg/s) 4.60e+13 5.42e+30 float
apo_obs_date 2003-09-03 2007-07-16 date
spect_type CV [K4e] WD+M3.5V string
simbad_name * 29 Eri [ZEH2003] RX J1510.3+0057 4 string
simbad_ra 00 04 49.000 23 58 04.534 position
simbad_dec -10 25 22.47 +67 59 58.27 position
sdss_simbad_offset (arcsec) 0.02 36.69 float
bmag (mag) 6.83 18.20 float
vmag (mag) 6.39 15.59 float
log_fx_over_fv -4.82 -0.87 float
simbad_class * bL* string
source_notes APO type = F2; SX known X-ray counterpart (?) string

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Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
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