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Pulsar Catalog pulsarN

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name PSR J0006+1834 PSR J2354+6155 string
ra 00 06 04.800 23 54 04.704 position
dec -79 51 48.24 +83 23 39.12 position
distance (kpc) 0.00 57.00 float
period (s) 0.0015578064688 5.0940830275000 float
a1 (s) 0.0000e+00 1296.5800 float
a1_error (s) 0.0000e+00 0.7000 float
bii (degree) -80.2496 86.5414 float
bname PSR B0011+47 PSR B2351+61 string
dec_error (arcsec) 0.0003 2454.5535 float
distance_flag 0 1 integer
dm (pc/cm^3) 0.0000e+00 1074.0000 float
dm_error 0.0000e+00 82.0000 float
eccentricity 0.0000e+00 0.8699 float
eccentricity_error 0.0000e+00 0.0500 float
flux_1400_mhz (mJy) 0.0000e+00 1100.0000 float
flux_400_mhz (mJy) 0.0000e+00 5000.0000 float
flux_600_mhz (mJy) 0.0000e+00 403.0000 float
gamma (s) 0.0000e+00 0.0043 float
gamma_error 0.0000e+00 0.0001 float
ibin 0 2 integer
lii (degree) 0.5658 359.4593 float
limcode 0 1 integer
log_age 0.0000e+00 10.3950 float
log_b_surf 0.0000e+00 13.3290 float
log_e_dot 0.0000e+00 38.6490 float
log_lum_radio -1.0090 4.4170 float
log_tau_s -8.7500 10.8400 float
log_tau_s_flag 0 2 integer
lower_code A D string
max_distance (kpc) 0.0000e+00 61.2000 float
min_distance (kpc) 0.0000e+00 52.8000 float
modcode 1 1 integer
model_distance (kpc) 0.0000e+00 30.0000 float
nu_dotdot (s^-3) 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
nu_dotdot_error (s^-3) 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
o_range (µs) 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
o_range_error (µs) 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
omega (degree) 0.0000e+00 342.4552 float
omega_dot (degree/Julian yr) 0.0000e+00 4.4570 float
omega_dot_error (degree/Julian yr) 0.0000e+00 0.0160 float
omega_error (degree) 0.0000e+00 9.0000 float
period_bin (d) 0.0000e+00 1236.7236 float
period_bin_dot (10^-12) 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
period_bin_dot_error (10^-12) 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
period_bin_error (d) 0.0000e+00 0.6000 float
period_dot -2.1070e-17 1.5365e-12 float
period_dot_error 0.0000e+00 5.0000e-15 float
period_error (s) 0.0000000000000 0.0009000000000 float
position_epoch 1858-11-17 1995-03-12 date
prop_dec (mas/yr) -90.0000 357.0000 float
prop_dec_error (mas/yr) 0.0000e+00 50.0000 float
prop_ra (mas/yr) -73.0000 144.0000 float
prop_ra_error (mas/yr) 0.0000e+00 50.0000 float
pulsar_code 0 602 integer
pulse_width (ms) 0.0000e+00 520.0000 float
pulse_width_10 (ms) 0.0000e+00 1000.0000 float
pulse_width_50 (ms) 0.0000e+00 740.0000 float
ra_error (arcsec) 0.0001 3609.6375 float
ref_epoch 1858-11-17 1994-11-16 date
rm (radian/m^2) -900.0000 1000.0000 float
rm_error (radian/m^2) 0.0000e+00 99.0000 float
sin_i 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
sin_i_error 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 float
survey_code 0 410000 integer
t0 1858-11-17 1994-10-29 11:52:35.9 UTC date
t0_error (d) 0.0000e+00 0.9000 float
t_408_mhz (K) 13.0000 569.7000 float
upper_code A D string
z (kpc) -39.4551 18.5993 float

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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