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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
Orion Flanking Fields Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog orionffcxoN

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2. To change the fields that are returned, select the box in the "View" column beside each field desired.

3. To sort the results by any field, select one box in the "Sort" column beside the field to sort on.

Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name CXORRS J053431.8-053519 CXORRS J053554.4-044804 string
ra 05 34 31.83 05 35 54.45 position
dec -05 48 59.4 -04 38 32.9 position
ctrpart_name 2MASS J05344555-0543205 SMMV 1944 string
vmag (mag) 12.77 19.08 float
count_rate (ct/s) 0.00008 0.20936 float
flux (erg/s/cm^2) 5.38e-16 1.38e-12 float
log_lx (log(erg/s)) 28.15 31.56 float
field_name NOFF SOFF string
source_number N001 S276 string
alt_name [RRS2004] NOFF W001 [RRS2004] SOFF W276 string
lii (degree) 208.29628 209.41827 float
bii (degree) -19.69847 -18.94663 float
off_axis (arcmin) 0.32 11.63 float
extraction_radius (arcsec) 1.60 20.00 float
psf_fraction 0.93 1.00 float
exposure (s) 5200 46300 float
prob_constant (percent) 0 100 integer
comment_flags X v,s string
ra_ctrpart 5 34 31.749 5 35 9.941 string
dec_ctrpart -4 38 32.22 -5 48 58.91 string
ic_mag (mag) 8.03 21.60 float
jmag (mag) 7.57 16.82 float
hmag (mag) 5.36 17.05 float
kmag (mag) 5.05 16.20 float
alt_name_1 Par 1497 Par 2257 string
alt_name_2 R01 1292 R01 2373 string
alt_name_3 CHS 10039 CHS 9856 string
alt_name_4 2MASS J05343183-0535199 2MASS J05355447-0448049 string
other_names Einstein 113,ROSAT 189 Tian 283,ROSAT 375 string

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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