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NuSTAR Survey of Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S) Source Catalog nuecdfscatN

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
source_number 1 54 integer
name NuSTAR J033114-2755.1 NuSTAR J033335-2742.0 string
ra 03 31 14.405 03 33 35.128 position
dec -28 03 34.79 -27 33 45.57 position
lii (degree) 223.141025 224.001135 float
bii (degree) -54.721735 -54.176606 float
sb_detect_flag 0 1 integer
hb_detect_flag 0 1 integer
fb_detect_flag 0 1 integer
dbld_sb_detect_flag 0 1 integer
dbld_hb_detect_flag 0 1 integer
dbld_fb_detect_flag 0 1 integer
sb_log_false_prob -51.25 -0.16 float
hb_log_false_prob -23.37 -0.15 float
fb_log_false_prob -72.23 -2.26 float
dbld_sb_log_false_prob -41.26 -0.16 float
dbld_hb_log_false_prob -20.62 -0.13 float
dbld_fb_log_false_prob -59.76 -0.76 float
dbld_detect_flag 0 1 integer
sb_counts (ct) 121 818 integer
sb_counts_error (ct) 12 30 integer
sb_bck_counts (ct) 84 433 integer
sb_net_counts (ct) -8 410 integer
sb_net_counts_error (ct) -22 30 integer
hb_counts (ct) 130 707 integer
hb_counts_error (ct) 12 28 integer
hb_bck_counts (ct) 105 507 integer
hb_net_counts (ct) -2 222 integer
hb_net_counts_error (ct) -24 28 integer
fb_counts (ct) 251 1508 integer
fb_counts_error (ct) 17 40 integer
fb_bck_counts (ct) 189 940 integer
fb_net_counts (ct) 30 616 integer
fb_net_counts_error (ct) -32 40 integer
dbld_sb_counts (ct) 121 818 integer
dbld_sb_bck_counts (ct) 84 506 integer
dbld_sb_net_counts (ct) -8 365 integer
dbld_sb_net_counts_error (ct) -27 34 integer
dbld_hb_counts (ct) 130 707 integer
dbld_hb_bck_counts (ct) 105 547 integer
dbld_hb_net_counts (ct) -17 198 integer
dbld_hb_net_counts_error (ct) -29 32 integer
dbld_fb_counts (ct) 251 1508 integer
dbld_fb_bck_counts (ct) 189 1051 integer
dbld_fb_net_counts (ct) 9 545 integer
dbld_fb_net_counts_error (ct) -38 46 integer
sb_exposure (s) 105428 497401 integer
hb_exposure (s) 93694 452896 integer
fb_exposure (s) 101101 482773 integer
sb_rate (ct/s) 0.00070 0.00175 float
sb_rate_error (ct/s) 0.00005 0.00012 float
sb_bck_rate (ct/s) 0.00055 0.00131 float
sb_net_rate (ct/s) -0.00002 0.00091 float
sb_net_rate_error (ct/s) -0.00012 0.00011 float
hb_rate (ct/s) 0.00079 0.00198 float
hb_rate_error (ct/s) 0.00005 0.00016 float
hb_bck_rate (ct/s) 0.00068 0.00165 float
hb_net_rate (ct/s) -0.000006 0.000633 float
hb_net_rate_error (ct/s) -0.000126 0.000156 float
fb_rate (ct/s) 0.00166 0.00350 float
fb_rate_error (ct/s) 0.00007 0.00019 float
fb_bck_rate (ct/s) 0.00122 0.00289 float
fb_net_rate (ct/s) 0.00011 0.00150 float
fb_net_rate_error (ct/s) -0.00015 0.00019 float
dbld_sb_net_rate (ct/s) -0.00002 0.00081 float
dbld_sb_net_rate_error (ct/s) -0.00012 0.00011 float
dbld_hb_net_rate (ct/s) -0.00004 0.00063 float
dbld_hb_net_rate_error (ct/s) -0.00013 0.00016 float
dbld_fb_net_rate (ct/s) 0.00002 0.00142 float
dbld_fb_net_rate_error (ct/s) -0.00015 0.00019 float
mean_band_ratio 0.18 26.25 float
median_band_ratio 0.10 4.95 float
mode_band_ratio 0.00 1.92 float
band_ratio_lower_limit 0.00 1.11 float
band_ratio_upper_limit 0.16 14.85 float
spectral_index 0.50 2.27 float
spectral_index_lower_lim -7.36 2.75 float
spectral_index_upper_lim -7.36 2.74 float
sb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -1.760e-15 6.670e-14 float
sb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) -8.830e-15 7.980e-15 float
hb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -8.720e-16 1.010e-13 float
hb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) -1.940e-14 2.410e-14 float
fb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 1.110e-14 1.550e-13 float
fb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) -1.530e-14 1.950e-14 float
dbld_sb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -1.760e-15 5.810e-14 float
dbld_sb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) -8.830e-15 7.980e-15 float
dbld_hb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -5.770e-15 1.010e-13 float
dbld_hb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) -1.940e-14 2.410e-14 float
dbld_fb_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 1.950e-15 1.550e-13 float
dbld_fb_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) -1.530e-14 1.950e-14 float
ctrprt_cat_code L05 X11 string
ctrprt_cat_source_number 7 739 integer
ctrprt_ra 03 31 15.040 03 33 34.920 position
ctrprt_dec -28 03 28.20 -27 33 39.20 position
off_set (arcsec) 1.21 29.36 float
ctrprt_3_8_kev_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -7.810e-16 6.630e-14 float
combnd_3_8_kev_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -7.810e-16 6.900e-14 float
spect_redshift 0.141 2.726 float
phot_redshift 0.091 2.717 float
redshift 0.141 2.726 float
rf_10_40_kev_lum (log(erg/s)) -3.440e+42 2.730e+45 float
rf_10_40_kev_lum_error (log(erg/s)) -9.060e+44 6.500e+44 float
source_flag n n string

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Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
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