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Massive Young Star-Forming Complex Stdy in IR & X-Rays: MYStIX Prob Complex Mbrs mystixmpcmN

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
sfr_name Carina Nebula W 40 string
name MPCM J022411.85+620338.1 MPCM J203956.60+421454.8 string
ra 02 24 11.850 20 39 56.602 position
dec -61 29 10.39 +62 24 14.25 position
jmag (mag) 4.740 25.166 float
jmag_error (mag) -25.032 3.264 float
spect_type <=K5 midG-earlyK string
lii (degree) 5.814984 353.453437 float
bii (degree) -19.559790 3.651091 float
error_radius (arcsec) 0.000 2.035 float
position_origin Chandra UKIDSS string
xray_name CXO J022411.85+620338.1 CXO J203956.64+421454.0 string
internal_xray_name 1 pass9_a5 string
nir_name NIR 10 NIR J203956.60+421454.8 string
nir_label 02242464+6202459 9.04_999 string
mir_name MIR 1420 MIR J203956.58+421454.6 string
mir_label 1420 SSTW3A G134.1117+00.9577 string
ob_cat_label 2MASS J02252738+6203432 theta2 Ori B string
xray_source_number 0 13420 integer
ire_source_number 3 4099 integer
ref_spect_type 0 SKIFF string
ob_cat_mag (mag) 4.400 24.500 float
ob_cat_mag_band J V string
prob_no_src_min 0.00 0.01 float
single_ks_prob 0.00 1.00 float
merged_ks_prob 0.00 1.00 float
nominal_exposure (s) 9829.14 838200.00 float
frac_expo 0.08 1.00 float
num_obs_extracted 1 9 integer
num_obs_merged 1 9 integer
off_axis_min (arcmin) 0.012 12.196 float
off_axis (arcmin) 0.010 12.196 float
off_axis_max (arcmin) 0.016 12.583 float
psf_fraction 0.01 0.96 float
afterglow_fraction 0.00 0.56 float
fb_total_counts (ct) 2 89707 integer
fb_counts (ct) 1.16 89438.00 float
sb_counts (ct) -10.07 31173.04 float
hb_counts (ct) -11.69 17299.20 float
fb_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.00 34401.10 float
fb_counts_pos_err (ct) 3.10 34775.50 float
sb_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.00 30996.20 float
sb_counts_pos_err (ct) 0.00 31351.60 float
hb_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.00 17163.10 float
hb_counts_pos_err (ct) 0.00 17436.70 float
fb_median_energy (keV) 0.518 7.519 float
fb_log_photon_flux (log(photon/cm^2/s)) -7.557 -1.718 float
sb_log_photon_flux (log(photon/cm^2/s)) -11.713 -3.084 float
hb_log_photon_flux (log(photon/cm^2/s)) -10.611 -3.295 float
hb_lx_obs (erg/s) 8.464010e+26 1.475800e+33 float
hb_lx (erg/s) 3.610570e+22 1.530200e+33 float
hb_lx_stat_err (erg/s) 1.311790e+28 2.002220e+32 float
hb_lx_sys_err (erg/s) 3.086760e+25 1.266140e+32 float
fb_lx_obs (erg/s) 1.437390e+27 2.600300e+33 float
fb_lx (erg/s) 2.497900e+27 3.639430e+33 float
fb_lx_stat_err (erg/s) 1.742650e+28 4.410300e+32 float
fb_lx_sys_err (erg/s) 3.203170e+26 5.526600e+32 float
log_nh (cm^-2) 20.00 24.00 float
log_nh_stat_err (cm^-2) 0.00 5.65 float
log_nh_sys_err (cm^-2) 0.00 1.15 float
xray_nir_prob_cp 0.05 1.00 float
xray_mir_prob_cp 0.05 1.00 float
hmag (mag) 4.500 29.830 float
hmag_error (mag) -22.107 6.600 float
kmag (mag) 4.390 21.430 float
kmag_error (mag) 0.004 0.470 float
irac_3p6_um_mag (mag) 4.351 18.324 float
irac_3p6_um_mag_error (mag) 0.001 0.351 float
irac_4p5_um_mag (mag) 4.186 17.861 float
irac_4p5_um_mag_error (mag) 0.001 0.356 float
irac_5p8_um_mag (mag) 2.315 17.409 float
irac_5p8_um_mag_error (mag) 0.005 9.764 float
irac_8p0_um_mag (mag) 1.586 16.947 float
irac_8p0_um_mag_error (mag) 0.009 14.280 float
jmag_flag OM OV string
hmag_flag OB OV string
kmag_flag ON OV string
twomass_flag 000 sss string
twomass_quality_flag AAA UUE string
glimpse_jmag_flag 0 8200 integer
glimpse_hmag_flag 0 8200 integer
glimpse_kmag_flag 0 8448 integer
glimpse_3p6_um_flag -9 28672 integer
glimpse_4p5_um_flag -9 29184 integer
glimpse_5p8_um_flag -32768 13824 integer
glimpse_8p0_um_flag -32768 12288 integer
local_spitzer_flag -2 4 integer
ref_jmag 2011ApJS..194...10P VLT string
ref_hmag 2011ApJS..194...10P VLT string
ref_kmag 2011ApJS..194...10P VLT string
ref_irac_3p6_um_mag 2011ApJS..194...14P Spitzer Vela string
ref_irac_4p5_um_mag 2011ApJS..194...14P Spitzer Vela string
ref_irac_5p8_um_mag 2011ApJS..194...14P Spitzer Vela string
ref_irac_8p0_um_mag 2011ApJS..194...14P Spitzer Vela string
sed_class -2 2 integer
vmag_extinction (mag) 0.000 80.895 float
yso_stage -1 2 integer
h1_prior 0.01 0.25 float
h2_prior 0.20 0.97 float
h3_prior 0.01 0.34 float
h4_prior 0.01 0.52 float
h1_posterior 0.00 0.74 float
h2_posterior 0.00 1.00 float
h3_posterior 0.00 1.00 float
h4_posterior 0.00 0.60 float
h2_dominant_factor 1 7 integer
xray_class_code 1 2 integer

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Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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