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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
M 31 Disk Chandra PHAT Survey: X-Ray Source Catalog m31phatcxoN

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
source_number 1 373 integer
obsid 17008 17014 integer
name [WLP2018] CXO J004320.03+413645.8 [WLP2018] CXO J004703.82+420453.0 string
alt_name [WLP2018] 1 [WLP2018] 99 string
ra 00 43 20.029 00 47 03.817 position
dec +41 15 54.38 +42 17 54.37 position
lii (degree) 121.306955 122.063805 float
bii (degree) -21.589064 -20.560175 float
error_radius (arcsec) 0.26 5.00 float
off_axis (arcmin) 0.454 12.100 float
b1_counts (ct) 1.9 15000.0 float
b1_counts_neg_err (ct) 1.3 130.0 float
b1_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.7 130.0 float
b2_counts_limit < < string
b2_counts (ct) -0.1800 910.0000 float
b2_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.83 30.00 float
b2_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.3 32.0 float
b3_counts (ct) 1.9 15000.0 float
b3_counts_neg_err (ct) 1.3 120.0 float
b3_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.7 130.0 float
b4_counts_limit < < string
b4_counts (ct) 0.3000 880.0000 float
b4_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.83 30.00 float
b4_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.3 31.0 float
b5_counts_limit < < string
b5_counts (ct) 0.190 6600.000 float
b5_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.83 83.00 float
b5_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.3 84.0 float
b6_counts_limit < < string
b6_counts (ct) 0.580 5000.000 float
b6_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.83 72.00 float
b6_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.3 73.0 float
b7_counts_limit < < string
b7_counts (ct) 0.560 7600.000 float
b7_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.83 89.00 float
b7_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.3 90.0 float
b8_counts_limit < < string
b8_counts (ct) -1.400 2700.000 float
b8_counts_neg_err (ct) 0.83 52.00 float
b8_counts_pos_err (ct) 2.3 54.0 float
b1_count_rate (ct/s) 4.6e-05 3.0e-01 float
b1_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 2.8e-05 2.5e-03 float
b1_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 5.0e-05 2.5e-03 float
b2_count_rate_limit < < string
b2_count_rate (ct/s) -8.6e-05 7.3e-02 float
b2_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 5.3e-05 2.4e-03 float
b2_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 1.5e-04 2.5e-03 float
b3_count_rate (ct/s) 4.4e-05 2.9e-01 float
b3_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 2.6e-05 2.4e-03 float
b3_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 4.7e-05 2.4e-03 float
b4_count_rate_limit < < string
b4_count_rate (ct/s) 4.4e-05 6.0e-02 float
b4_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 4.7e-05 2.1e-03 float
b4_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 1.3e-04 2.1e-03 float
b5_count_rate_limit < < string
b5_count_rate (ct/s) 4.0e-06 1.4e-01 float
b5_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 1.5e-05 1.7e-03 float
b5_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 4.1e-05 1.7e-03 float
b6_count_rate_limit < < string
b6_count_rate (ct/s) 1.4e-05 1.3e-01 float
b6_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 1.8e-05 1.8e-03 float
b6_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 5.1e-05 1.8e-03 float
b7_count_rate_limit < < string
b7_count_rate (ct/s) 2.1e-05 2.6e-01 float
b7_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 2.3e-05 3.0e-03 float
b7_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 6.5e-05 3.0e-03 float
b8_count_rate_limit < < string
b8_count_rate (ct/s) -4.0e-05 6.6e-02 float
b8_count_rate_neg_err (ct/s) 1.7e-05 1.3e-03 float
b8_count_rate_pos_err (ct/s) 4.7e-05 1.3e-03 float
prob_no_src (percent) 0.0e+00 8.9e-03 float
b1_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 6.1e-16 3.9e-12 float
b1_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 3.6e-16 3.2e-14 float
b1_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 6.6e-16 3.3e-14 float
b2_flux_limit < < string
b2_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -1.5e-15 1.3e-12 float
b2_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 9.4e-16 4.3e-14 float
b2_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 2.6e-15 4.5e-14 float
b3_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 5.6e-16 3.6e-12 float
b3_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 3.3e-16 3.0e-14 float
b3_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 6.0e-16 3.0e-14 float
b4_flux_limit < < string
b4_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 6.3e-16 8.7e-13 float
b4_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 6.7e-16 3.0e-14 float
b4_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 1.9e-15 3.1e-14 float
b5_flux_limit < < string
b5_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 2.2e-17 7.6e-13 float
b5_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 8.3e-17 9.5e-15 float
b5_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 2.3e-16 9.7e-15 float
b6_flux_limit < < string
b6_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 2.0e-16 1.8e-12 float
b6_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 2.6e-16 2.6e-14 float
b6_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 7.4e-16 2.6e-14 float
b7_flux_limit < < string
b7_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 4.5e-16 5.5e-12 float
b7_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 5.0e-16 6.3e-14 float
b7_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 1.4e-15 6.4e-14 float
b8_flux_limit < < string
b8_flux (erg/s/cm^2) -1.4e-15 2.3e-12 float
b8_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 5.8e-16 4.5e-14 float
b8_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 1.6e-15 4.6e-14 float
b9_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 5.3e-16 3.4e-12 float
b9_flux_neg_err (erg/s/cm^2) 3e-16 3e-14 float
b9_flux_pos_err (erg/s/cm^2) 6e-16 3e-14 float
sph2011_source_number 1197 1881 integer
source_type <AGN> fg Star string
phat_flag c s string
vmag_extinction (mag) 0.02 3.85 float
notes 1 star in 3-sigma, nothing in 1-sigma, strong non-detection, SWIFT transient visual binary string
source_flag a c string
optical_ra 00 43 36.087 00 47 03.824 position
optical_dec +41 17 11.09 +42 15 05.73 position
hst_f275w_mag (mag) 18.630 27.470 float
hst_f336w_mag (mag) 19.00 25.15 float
hst_f475w_mag (mag) 20.230 26.150 float
hst_f814w_mag (mag) 17.31 24.51 float
hst_f110w_mag (mag) 16.200 25.710 float
hst_f160w_mag (mag) 15.490 25.500 float

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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