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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources (3FHL) fermi3fhlN
FERMI Object

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name 3FHL J0001.2-0748 3FHL J2359.3-2049 string
ra 00 01 14.6 23 59 19.0 position
dec -87 37 51 +88 44 18 position
lii (degree) 0.1225 359.9423 float
bii (degree) -87.9756 86.3594 float
error_radius (degree) 0.0080 0.1380 float
roi 1 728 integer
significance (sigma) 4.1 168.6 float
pivot_energy (GeV) 11.24 194.14 float
flux_density (photon/cm^2/GeV/s) 3.9861e-14 1.7171e-09 float
flux_density_error (photon/cm^2/GeV/s) 1.7428e-14 3.0954e-11 float
flux (photon/cm^2/s) 1.2857e-11 1.2154e-08 float
flux_error (photon/cm^2/s) 6.6464e-12 4.4941e-10 float
energy_flux (erg/s/cm^2) 3.5812e-13 4.9149e-10 float
energy_flux_error (erg/s/cm^2) 1.7882e-13 2.7774e-11 float
curve_significance (sigma) 0.0 5.9 float
spectrum_type LogParabola PowerLaw string
spectral_index 0.98 9.04 float
spectral_index_error 0.04 4.09 float
beta -0.7896 1.0000 float
beta_error 0.0017 9.2497 float
powerlaw_index 1.1386 9.0341 float
powerlaw_index_error 0.0245 3.6403 float
flux_10_20_gev (photon/cm^2/s) 3.9270e-22 1.1100e-08 float
flux_10_20_gev_neg_err (photon/cm^2/s) -3.5817e-10 -2.3008e-12 float
flux_10_20_gev_pos_err (photon/cm^2/s) 4.4679e-12 3.5989e-10 float
nufnu_10_20_gev (erg/cm^2/s) 1.2902e-23 3.2787e-10 float
sqrt_ts_10_20_gev 0.0000 133.8782 float
flux_20_50_gev (photon/cm^2/s) 5.8598e-23 2.2450e-09 float
flux_20_50_gev_neg_err (photon/cm^2/s) -2.3136e-10 -1.7252e-12 float
flux_20_50_gev_pos_err (photon/cm^2/s) 3.3530e-12 2.3209e-10 float
nufnu_20_50_gev (erg/cm^2/s) 2.7926e-24 1.1808e-10 float
sqrt_ts_20_50_gev 0.0000 88.7153 float
flux_50_150_gev (photon/cm^2/s) 0.0000e+00 9.2432e-10 float
flux_50_150_gev_neg_err (photon/cm^2/s) -1.2832e-10 -1.5587e-12 float
flux_50_150_gev_pos_err (photon/cm^2/s) 3.1539e-12 1.3007e-10 float
nufnu_50_150_gev (erg/cm^2/s) 0.0000e+00 1.1012e-10 float
sqrt_ts_50_150_gev 0.0000 59.9934 float
flux_150_500_gev (photon/cm^2/s) 0.0000e+00 2.7590e-10 float
flux_150_500_gev_neg_err (photon/cm^2/s) -6.1903e-11 -1.4663e-12 float
flux_150_500_gev_pos_err (photon/cm^2/s) 3.1247e-12 6.2966e-11 float
nufnu_150_500_gev (erg/cm^2/s) 0.0000e+00 9.2302e-11 float
sqrt_ts_150_500_gev 0.0000 33.5229 float
flux_0p5_2_tev (photon/cm^2/s) 0.0000e+00 6.6840e-11 float
flux_0p5_2_tev_neg_err (photon/cm^2/s) -1.7450e-11 -1.7203e-12 float
flux_0p5_2_tev_pos_err (photon/cm^2/s) 3.3472e-12 2.6562e-11 float
nufnu_0p5_2_tev (erg/cm^2/s) 0.0000e+00 6.9012e-11 float
sqrt_ts_0p5_2_tev 0.0000 15.5731 float
npred 4.67 3733.57 float
hep_energy (GeV) 11.896 1996.880 float
hep_prob 0.4403 1.0000 float
num_bayesian_blocks -1 15 integer
extended_source_name Cygnus Cocoon gamma Cygni string
alt_gammaray_name 1FGL J0528.4+3838 EGR J0540+0657 string
tev_assoc_flag C P string
assoc_tevcat 1ES 0033+595 Westerlund 2 string
source_class BIN unknown string
assoc_name_1 1E 1415.6+2557 gamma Cygni string
assoc_name_2 CenA Lobes field gamma Cygni field string
assoc_prob_bay 0.0000 1.0000 float
assoc_prob_lr 0.0000 1.0000 float
redshift 0.003 2.534 float
nupeak_obs (Hz) 1.0000e+00 5.3088e+18 float

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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