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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
Chandra Orion Ultradeep Point Source Catalog coupN

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
coup_number 1 1616 integer
name COUP J053429.4-052337 COUP J053557.6-052310 string
ra 05 34 29.455 05 35 57.682 position
dec -05 35 11.54 -05 12 21.02 position
lii (degree) 208.844256 209.195033 float
bii (degree) -19.561665 -19.230003 float
error_radius (arcsec) 0.00 0.59 float
off_axis (arcmin) 0.01 11.85 float
problem_flags 000000 ud0tw0 string
wavdetect_flag 0 4 integer
pwdetect_flag 0 2 integer
detect_flag_1 0 2 integer
detect_flag_2 0 1 integer
detect_flag_3 0 3 integer
ae_significance (sigma) 0.0 395.3 float
pwdetect_significance (sigma) 0.0 792.8 float
acis_source_number 2 1074 integer
hrc_source_number 10 730 integer
total_counts (ct) 5 89707 integer
bck_counts (ct) 0 881 integer
counts (ct) 3 89438 integer
extraction_area (pixel) 2 2177 integer
psf_fraction 0.01 0.96 float
exposure (s) 113200 838200 float
flux_conv_factor (10^9 ct s cm^2/photon) 0.064 0.474 float
photon_flux (photon/cm^2/s) 2.42661e-08 1.91426e-02 float
median_photon_energy (keV) 0.78 6.08 float
hr_1 -1.00 1.00 float
hr_1_neg_err 0.00 1.21 float
hr_1_pos_err 0.00 0.91 float
hr_2 -1.00 1.00 float
hr_2_neg_err 0.00 1.26 float
hr_2_pos_err 0.00 1.62 float
hr_3 -1.00 1.00 float
hr_3_neg_err 0.00 1.36 float
hr_3_pos_err 0.01 1.84 float
log_nh (log(cm^-2)) 20.00 23.94 float
log_nh_error (log(cm^-2)) 0.00 5.65 float
temperature_1 (keV) 0.08 15.00 float
temperature_1_error (keV) 0.01 15.00 float
temperature_2 (keV) 0.59 15.00 float
temperature_2_error (keV) 0.04 15.00 float
log_em_1 (log(cm^-3)) 50.41 55.78 float
log_em_1_error (log(cm^-3)) 0.00 1.00 float
log_em_2 (log(cm^-3)) 50.05 56.21 float
log_em_2_error (log(cm^-3)) 0.01 1.00 float
reduced_chi_squared 0.01 12.36 float
chi_squared_dof 1 342 integer
fit_quality_flag m p string
spect_model_flags .. 60.2.1 string
fit_comment_flags 000000000 ls00t0m00 string
gap_flag x x string
log_prob_var -4.00 0.00 float
num_bb_segments 1 134 integer
min_count_rate (ct/ks) 0.01 60.45 float
min_count_rate_error (ct/ks) 0.00 8.06 float
max_count_rate (ct/ks) 0.01 1947.78 float
max_count_rate_error (ct/ks) 0.00 79.22 float
log_lx_soft_limit < < string
log_lx_soft (log(erg/s)) 27.00 33.03 float
log_lx_hard_limit < < string
log_lx_hard (log(erg/s)) 27.00 32.51 float
log_lx_hard_corr (log(erg/s)) 22.63 32.52 float
log_lx_tot (log(erg/s)) 27.01 33.14 float
log_lx_tot_corr (log(erg/s)) 27.47 33.29 float
optical_id_number 1013 998 string
xray_opt_offset (arcsec) 0.00 5.46 float
vmag (mag) 5.07 24.50 float
imag (mag) 4.81 19.63 float
spect_type <=K5 midG-earlyK string
a_vmag (mag) 0.00 10.78 float
log_t_eff (log(K)) 3.414 4.603 float
log_l_bol (log(Solar Luminosity)) -2.16 5.40 float
stellar_radius (Solar Radius) 0.23 13.15 float
stellar_mass (Solar Mass) 0.10 37.70 float
log_stellar_age (log(yr)) 2.72 7.84 float
ik_excess (mag) -2.17 3.22 float
eq_width_ca_ii (Angstrom) -69.5 21.4 float
vmag_average (mag) 12.01 19.63 float
vmag_average_error (mag) 0.00 1.28 float
vmag_range (mag) 0.02 4.95 float
rotation_period (d) 0.66 22.23 float
ir_name 05342924-0523567 999 string
xray_ir_offset (arcsec) 0.00 10.34 float
jmag (mag) 4.74 21.30 float
hmag (mag) 4.50 20.07 float
ks_mag (mag) 4.39 18.70 float
ref_ir_photometry 001 555 string
quality_flag_2mass AAA UUC string
contcon_flag_2mass 000 sss string
lmag_flag L M string
lmag_id_number 1 999 string
lmag (mag) 4.33 14.53 float

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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