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Brera Multi-scale Wavelet ROSAT HRI Source Catalog bmwhricatN
ROSAT Object

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name 1BMW 000042.1+625237 1BMW 235755.0+151503 string
ra 00 00 42.13 23 57 54.95 position
dec -85 45 22.2 +89 16 36.5 position
count_rate (ct/s) 0.00011758330 48.02570000000 float
count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.00002915073 0.61415200000 float
exposure (s) 128.00 218880.00 float
lii (degree) 0.0040081 359.9827000 float
bii (degree) -89.1040500 88.7437200 float
ra_error (arcsec) 0.00334916 18.78809000 float
dec_error (arcsec) 0.00334916 18.84837000 float
error_radius (arcsec) 0.02020085 26.61948000 float
rebin_factor 1 10 integer
x_pixel (pixel) 1678.892 6533.558 float
y_pixel (pixel) 1641.808 6542.625 float
off_axis (arcmin) 0.008630 22.116410 float
field_name 0020+1034 unknown string
ra_target 0 1 57.5 9 9 9.57 string
dec_target -0 51 0.00 9 9 36.0 string
ror 000073 999997 string
sequence_id rh000073n00 rh999997m02 string
time 1990-07-05 18:25:03 UTC 1998-09-18 10:54:17 UTC date
end_time 1990-07-29 22:00:43 UTC 1998-12-06 09:43:37 UTC date
nominal_exposure (s) 140.000 221372.297 float
num_src_rebin_1 0 31 integer
num_src_rebin_3 0 75 integer
num_src_rebin_6 0 80 integer
num_src_rebin_10 0 50 integer
snr 0.146800 1114.540000 float
wavelet_snr 3.88939 81615.50000 float
wavelet_prob 3.02971 15.00000 float
count_rate_fit_err (ct/s) 0.00001703951 0.61415200000 float
count_rate_stat_err (ct/s) 0.00002304684 0.23286583000 float
total_counts (ct) 0.22338 443917.00000 float
vignet 0.884693 68.848701 float
psf_correction 1.05250 1.17700 float
src_count_rate (ct/s) -0.02714620500 44.01676200000 float
src_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.00000000000 0.21868304000 float
bckgrd_count_rate (ct/s) 0.00000228412 1.22772130000 float
num_near_sources 0.000000 7.000000 float
nh (10^4 atoms/m^2) 0.00e+00 2.02e+22 float
cf_low (mJ/m^2/ct) 1.7100000e-11 1.7100000e-11 float
flux_low (erg/cm^2/s) 2.2056603e-16 8.2123950e-10 float
cf_full (mJ/m^2/ct) 1.7064930e-11 5.5197710e-11 float
flux_full (erg/cm^2/s) 2.0684040e-15 1.4848620e-09 float
source_extent (arcsec) 0.39905 259.86200 float
source_extent_error (arcsec) 0.000000000 38.164980000 float
sigma_flag N Y string
extent_flag Extended Point string
extent_significance 0.000000 139.071899 float
chi_squared 0.054556 4478.640130 float
sass_version SASS7_0_1 SASS7_B_3 string
first_name 00405-09216G 23555-10142G string
first_ra (degree) 10.37620831 358.55697632 float
first_dec (degree) -9.94991112 59.51871872 float
first_sidelobe_flag 0 1 string
first_peak_flux (mJy) 1.0100 35558.5508 float
first_int_flux (mJy) 0.5700 36983.0586 float
first_rms (mJy) 0.0950 6.1960 float
first_maj_axis (arcsec) 0.0000 60.1100 float
first_min_axis (arcsec) 0.0000 20.0300 float
first_pa (degree) 0.00 179.90 float
first_meas_maj_axis (arcsec) 3.8500 60.3500 float
first_meas_min_axis (arcsec) 3.6200 20.7500 float
first_meas_pa (degree) -166.40 180.00 float
first_bmw_offset (arcsec) 0.109421 10.473925 float
first_num_ctrprt 1 11 integer
gsc2_name N00000214460 S3333230759 string
gsc2_ra (degree) 0.00000000 359.48099023 float
gsc2_dec (degree) -85.75759113 89.27679626 float
gsc2_ra_error (arcsec) 0.00000000 1.19229800 float
gsc2_dec_error (arcsec) 0.00000000 1.02157100 float
gsc2_epoch (yr) 0.000000 1999.359985 float
gsc2_pm_ra (mas/yr) -1555.599975 1262.599976 float
gsc2_pm_dec (mas/yr) -1734.699951 825.200012 float
gsc2_pm_ra_error (mas/yr) 0.00000000 99.90000153 float
gsc2_pm_dec_error (mas/yr) 0.00000000 99.90000153 float
gsc2_fmag (mag) 0.00 22.42 float
gsc2_fmag_error (mag) 0.00 9901.25 float
gsc2_jmag (mag) 0.00 24.79 float
gsc2_jmag_error (mag) 0.00 9988.00 float
gsc2_vmag (mag) 0.00 19.47 float
gsc2_vmag_error (mag) 0.00 1.09 float
gsc2_nmag (mag) 0.00 19.27 float
gsc2_nmag_error (mag) 0.00 0.64 float
gsc2_maj_axis (arcsec) 0.00 394.58 float
gsc2_eccentricity 0.00 99.90 float
gsc2_pa (degree) 0.00 953.00 float
gsc2_class_code 0 8 integer
gsc2_bmw_offset (arcsec) 0.00 10.87 float
gsc2_num_ctrprt 0 28 integer
tmass_ra (degree) 0.274635 359.478973 float
tmass_dec (degree) -77.254402 83.339798 float
tmass_jmag (mag) 5.297 18.959 float
tmass_jmag_error (mag) 0.000 0.317 float
tmass_hmag (mag) 5.139 18.026 float
tmass_hmag_error (mag) 0.000 9.999 float
tmass_kmag (mag) 4.332 17.059 float
tmass_kmag_error (mag) 0.000 9.999 float
tmass_bmw_offset (arcsec) 0.108041 10.237319 float
tmass_num_ctrprt 1 72 integer
iras_name 00037+1955 23412-1533 string
iras_ra (degree) 1.582508 355.955322 float
iras_dec (degree) -78.191551 79.771606 float
iras_flux_12um (Jy) 0.1981 11010.0000 float
iras_flux_25um (Jy) 0.1087 4620.0000 float
iras_flux_60um (Jy) 0.2291 13470.0000 float
iras_flux_100um (Jy) 0.8094 8188.0000 float
iras_bmw_offset (arcsec) 0.22 26.17 float
iras_num_ctrprt 1 1 integer

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Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
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