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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
BBXRT Archive bbxrtY
BBXRT Observation

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3. To sort the results by any field, select one box in the "Sort" column beside the field to sort on.

Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name 0114+65 ZET-PUP string
time 1990-12-03 1990-12-10 date
exposure (s) 31 4822 integer
count_rate (ct/s) 0.74 1521.20 float
a_ratio 00008 71111 string
b_ratio 00009 71012 string
daynight B N string
ra 00 06 19.4 23 55 01.8 position
dec -71 57 36 +78 38 50 position
a0_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0376 565.8300 float
a0_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0044 1.1196 float
a1_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0670 381.3500 float
a1_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0061 0.5585 float
a2_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0749 241.1300 float
a2_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0055 1.3556 float
a3_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0400 147.0200 float
a3_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0049 0.4963 float
a4_count_rate (ct/s) 0.1389 204.7900 float
a4_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0093 1.3502 float
adec -69.2900 78.7100 float
adecsd 0.0000e+00 0.5664 float
ara -3.0000 358.1100 float
arasd 0.0000e+00 0.7810 float
aroll -3.0000 359.9000 float
arollsd 0.0000e+00 2.7410 float
b0_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0199 505.1400 float
b0_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0028 1.0470 float
b1_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0661 95.8690 float
b1_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0051 0.4058 float
b2_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0404 156.6800 float
b2_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0046 1.1811 float
b3_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0519 502.0800 float
b3_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0061 0.6287 float
b4_count_rate (ct/s) 0.0766 313.1400 float
b4_count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.0056 1.2981 float
bii (degree) -87.9641 88.0148 float
count_rate_error (ct/s) 0.02 3.17 float
data_rate L M string
end_time 1990-12-03 1990-12-10 date
file_lcurve 3C273I ZPUPJ string
file_spectrum 3C273I ZPUPJ string
lii (degree) 17.7306 292.0905 float
off_set (arcmin) 0.0000e+00 73.2150 float
response_matrix BB00 BBGT string
roll (degree) 0.0000e+00 362.0000 float
saa N Y string
sequence_number 101 257 integer

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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