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Description Catalog Data Default Radius (arcmin) Mission Table Type
Sloan Digital Sky Survey/XMM-Newton Type1 AGN X-Ray and Radio Properties Catalog agnsdssxm2N
SDSS Object

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Parameter (Unit) Min Value Max Value Value Type
name [BHB2012] 100067 [BHB2012] 9X string
ra 00 10 10.049 23 48 19.540 position
dec -10 03 53.70 +69 38 52.50 position
fx_limit < < string
fx (erg/s/cm^2) 2.275e-15 3.784e-12 float
fx_error (erg/s/cm^2) 2.750e-15 3.286e-13 float
imag (mag) 15.365 20.629 float
redshift 0.3580 2.2365 float
redshift_error 0.0000 0.0119 float
log_lx_limit < < string
log_lx (log(erg/s)) 41.697 45.985 float
log_lx_error (log(erg/s)) 0.008 2.082 float
srcid_2xmmi 5632 220705 integer
srcid_noxmm 01X 11X string
lii (degree) 0.111474 359.964797 float
bii (degree) -72.543678 89.640337 float
sdss_id 100146046272798720 99301625591496704 string
sdss_ra 00 10 10.033 23 48 19.586 position
sdss_dec -10 03 54.29 +69 38 52.54 position
gmag (mag) 15.582 21.879 float
rmag (mag) 15.564 20.807 float
mg_ii_line_sigma (Angstrom) 5.050 99.991 float
mg_ii_line_sigma_error (Angstrom) 0.185 49.750 float
mg_ii_continuum_flux (erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom) 1.143e-18 3.808e-15 float
flux_20_cm (mJy) 0.6263 2777.4840 float
flux_20_cm_flag O u string
flux_20_cm_error (mJy) 0.0952 0.4222 float
nh_gal (cm^-2) 5.40e+19 1.10e+21 float
mg_ii_line_fwhm_flag Y Y string
mg_ii_line_fwhm (km/s) 928.22 18405.59 float
mg_ii_line_fwhm_error (km/s) 64.68 12547.71 float
log_rf_3000a_lum_flag Y Y string
log_rf_3000a_lum (log(erg/s/Angstrom)) 38.791 43.914 float
log_rf_3000a_lum_error (log(erg/s/Angstrom)) 0.001 0.094 float
log_bh_mass_flag Y Y string
log_bh_mass (log(Solar Mass)) 6.054 10.092 float
log_bh_mass_error (log(Solar Mass)) 0.016 2.704 float
log_lx_ledd_limit < < string
log_lx_ledd -4.941 -0.586 float
log_lx_ledd_error 0.022 2.711 float
log_kx_limit < < string
log_kx 0.507 2.157 float
log_kx_error 0.003 0.801 float
log_lbol_limit < < string
log_lbol (log(erg/s)) 42.205 48.142 float
log_lbol_error (log(erg/s)) 0.009 2.231 float
log_lbol_ledd_limit < < string
log_lbol_ledd -4.433 1.482 float
log_lbol_ledd_error 0.023 2.712 float
rf_2500a_flux (mJy) 0.0005 2.7529 float
rf_2500a_flux_error (mJy) 0.0000 0.0777 float
alpha_ox_limit < < string
alpha_ox -2.2435 -0.6149 float
alpha_ox_error 0.0057 0.7992 float
rf_4400a_flux (mJy) 0.0116 2.0083 float
rf_4400a_flux_error (mJy) 0.0003 0.0502 float
rf_flux_6_cm (mJy) 0.4449 1972.0334 float
rf_flux_6_cm_flag O u string
rf_flux_6_cm_error (mJy) 0.1225 270.1531 float
lim_rf_flux_6_cm (mJy) 0.6383 0.9854 float
lim_rf_flux_6_cm_flag O O string
lim_rf_flux_6_cm_error (mJy) 0.0059 0.1796 float
ru_radio_loud 1.236 27015.444 float
ru_radio_loud_flag O u string
ru_radio_loud_error 0.235 3778.736 float
lim_ru_radio_loud 0.321 1196.206 float
lim_ru_radio_loud_flag O O string
lim_ru_radio_loud_error 0.012 333.937 float
radio_class NC ndRI string
ro_radio_loud 1.134 18781.001 float
ro_radio_loud_flag O u string
ro_radio_loud_error 0.226 2615.384 float
lim_ro_radio_loud 0.331 63.459 float
lim_ro_radio_loud_flag O O string
lim_ro_radio_loud_error 0.082 10.793 float
rx_radio_loud 0.0000 0.2108 float
rx_radio_loud_flag O u string
rx_radio_loud_error 0.0000 0.4479 float
lim_rx_radio_loud_limit > > string
lim_rx_radio_loud 0.0000 8.2789 float
lim_rx_radio_loud_flag O O string
lim_rx_radio_loud_error 0.0000 0.0599 float

4. Do you want to change your current query settings?

(e.g. 'Cyg X-1' or '12 00 00, 4 12 6')
Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple object names or coordinate pairs (e.g. 'Cyg X-2; 12.235, 15.345').
Default uses the optimum radius for each catalog searched.

Not all tables have observation dates/times. For those that do, the time portion of the date is optional.
Times are always in UTC. Separate multiple dates/ranges with semicolons (;). Range operator is '..'
(e.g. '1992-12-31; 48980.5; 1995-01-15 12:00:00; 1997-03-20 .. 2000-10-18').
Select to display all catalog parameters instead of only defaults.


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